En Yi Character & Values-centred Chinese Readers


En Yi Character & Values-centred Chinese Readers


Set of 24 books with *Audio (Includes Rap-along tracks!) *via download


8 and 16 pages | 19 x 20 cm | Fiction


Suitable for children 7 years old and below.

Download Brochure (Schools Only)


En Yi Chinese Reading Programme is designed to cultivate children's love for the Chinese language while modelled around the Character and Citizenship Education framework. The books lend itself to nurturing children's understanding of the fundamental core values - Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Harmony, Care and Integrity.

This programme uniquely combines language and values learning with key elements of speech and drama- producing an exciting blend of positive Chinese language experiences.

Title list

1. 要不要?
2. 找到了!
3. 眼睛不爱哭
4. 大嘴巴吃饼干
5. 树爷爷爱孩子
6. 红红和蓝蓝
7. 对不起,我不喜欢
8. 我很棒,自己做
9. 狼哥哥不生气了
10. 小鸡不能回家了
11. 谢谢你陪我
12. 好好留给你
13. 嘘~安静好吗?
14. 好忙的大人
15. 不怕痛的老鹰
16. 咻— 真干净!
17. 白色巨人生病了!
18. 我们
19. 好温暖的话
20. 怪物从哪来?
21. 蜗牛找新家
22. 爱说谎的小鳄鱼
23. 没有生日礼物
24. 狮子与鲨鱼

恩义大书! En Yi Big Books



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